DBM Crush-Mix
Osteoconductive Stability
- Beyond its excellent handling characteristics, our DBM Crush-Mixis osteoconductive, offering an optimal scaffold that guides andsupports natural bone formation.
- Ideal for surgically created bone defects or those resulting fromtraumatic injury, our Putty serves as a reliable bone void filler andextender in posterolateral fusion procedures.
- Crafted from 100% demineralized human bone with cancellous bonechips, Leap Biologics’ DBM Crush-Mix sets the standard for qualityand purity.
Versatile Handling
- With its moldable consistency, our DBM Crush-Mix seamlessly adapts tobone voids. Mix it with blood or bone marrow for a tailored application.
- Shape, conform, and retain form effortlessly. Its resistance to washing awaywhen irrigated ensures stability in various conditions.
- Store it at ambient room temperature, ready for immediate use with nopreparation or reconstitution required. A seamless experience fromstorage to application.
Seamless Surgical Precision
Elevate your surgical experience with our DBM products boasting unparalleled handling characteristics. Engineered for seamless usability, our DBM solutions offer surgical precision at its finest. With a swift rehydration process and a texture designed for effortless application, our DBM products empower surgeons with the tools they need for streamlined and successful procedures.